Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Casey teaches art!

Because I was going through my Photobucket, which I never use anymore, I was inspired to post a blast from my past. La Casey posing with paintbrushes in her hair during art class. The quality ain't so great... it looks like I had scanned the photo in. When she wasn't tormenting my brother, or the other boys for that matter, she let me take these scandalous photos of her (usually with props). Now, if I can only find the "butterfly picture"!

Don't hate me Casey. I had to do it! ;)


Ashlee Osborn said...

OMG, I love you for this, Blake. Hehe. Maybe she can come "teach" my art class a thing or two. She's going to die when she's sees your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hate you.

Whatever...you're just jealous of my sexy hair and poses. Jealous..you're all jealous.
