Friday, September 25, 2009


I went, with my mom, to a pumpkin patch (for lack of a better word) and bought pumpkins today. Minutes before we arrived they had just finished unloading the trucks, so we got first dibs and found some really beautiful pumpkins and gourds. Here are pics: !
I'm not sure what the big red one is called, but the Red Worty Thing is called just that. The green and yellow striated gourd is italian in origin, but can't recall the name. The dusty, gray orange pumpkins are, I think, called Fairytale Pumpkins. The two dusty gray/blue/green pumpkins are, I believe, Jarrahdale Blue... or Australian Blue. The other two green things are gourds.
We got these in Bixby. If you're looking for less traditional pumpkins this year, now is the time to buy, because they will be picked over soon!


Pambo said...

Hope you got them at Carmichael's. My cousin owns/operates that terrific produce store and I believe they originated "Pumpkin City" in Bixby.
Love them, love your pics.
Hooray for fall and Halloween!

Blake said...

Carmichael's! I couldn't remember the name... we've been going there for years, and it's one of my favorite autumn past times!