Friday, March 13, 2009

Last House on the Left

Last night, I was invited to a pre-screening of the new movie, Last House on the Left, which is actually a remake of one of Wes Craven's (A Nightmare On Elm Street, Scream) early films. Although I enjoyed the premise of the first movie, I wasn't crazy about it, so I had low expectations for the remake. However, I was surprised at how well it was done. There were a few changes to the plot, but the integrity of the original story was in tact. And, the last 20 minutes or so had the entire theater cheering and applauding! If you're unaware of the story, here it is in a nutshell. Family goes to lake house for summer, daughter goes off with friend and they are abducted. Girls come to harm, villains have a coincidental meeting with victims parents, parents realize what has happened, and an ending you won't want to miss. There are some extremely violent scenes, but the ending completely makes up for it. If you enjoy horror movies, you should go see it on this Friday the 13th!


Pambo said...

Eeek! Glad you enjoyed the movie. Since scary movies aren't my thing anymore, I'll be passing on this, but am looking forward to "17 Again" with Zac Ephron and Matthew Perry (I miss "Friends"). I am soooo immature.

Anonymous said...

I liked LHOTL. However, it was a little gory and bloody for my taste. I prefer the psychological thrillers more than the slasher movies. I prefer The Strangers over this movie because of all the suspense and head games it plays.

It was okay though.