The dust from Halloween has settled and it feels like a new year. I've started working on new Christmas cards, which will hopefully be available later this week. The EtsyGreetingsTeam is doing a Great Greetings Giveaway, which I'm participating in. You can find details,
here or in my shop announcement. But, back to the party... my cousin came up from D.C., most everyone dressed up, the decorations were great. The day after Halloween is always a bit sad for me, but I now have a whole year to start planning my next costume and party! But first, some photos from the event:
My cousin Lindsay (as Rachel from Glee), me as Satan (or a satyr), and my roomie Leslie (as

Marie Antoinette, Seaweed, a Jellyfish, and a skeleton.

Me, a scary lady, and Tyler as a werewolf... you can't see it, but he has hair all around his hair, chest and coming out of his sleeves.

A better pic of Tyler and Leslie

The jellyfish (again, though slightly deconstructed now), Superman, and my cuz.